This entry in my blog is part of my 30 blogs in 30 days Fortunately I didn't commit to 30 consecutive days... The one I'm trying to 'tick off' today is the "Create Mock Responder" item. Here my idea was to show how we could create an OData service, from an EDMX file, with an in-memory database serving up mock data. This might be a really useful idea if your User-Agent development team cannot see the live / real data due to security restrictions.
So here we go:
Starting with an existing EDMX, demonstrate how to create a mock responder
The main point of this blog is to show how to create an OData service if you already have an EDMX file. An EDMX file can be created using Visual Studio or, as you may already know, any existing OData service has a $metadata resource that serves up metadata in EDMX format. The service that I'm going to 'clone' today is currently available online here with many others:
- Follow the instructions for creating an IRIS quickstart project, do step 1 and stop there.
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.mycorp.test -DartifactId=DemoService -DarchetypeRepository= -DarchetypeGroupId=com.temenos.interaction -DarchetypeArtifactId=interaction-sdk-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=0.2.0-SNAPSHOT -DinteractiveMode=false
Our first little gotcha with this service is that we don't use the name you provided for the RIM generation - I get the following error if I specify anything other than DemoService (we'll fix this later
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.temenos.interaction:interaction-sdk-rim-plugin:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT:rim-generate (default) on project ODataTestService: Execution default of goal com.temenos.interaction:interaction-sdk-rim-plugin:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT:rim-generate failed: C:\temp\ODataTestService\src\main\resources\ODataTestService.rim (The system cannot find the file specified) -> [Help 1] - Save the service metadata as service.edmx into your new project directory. This file name is configurable, just look in the pom.xml$metadata - Now execute Step 2 of the quickstart
mvn interaction-sdk:gen
Our second little challenge with this service is that we don't seem to support complex types - I get the following error:[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.temenos.interaction:interaction-sdk-plugin:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT:gen (default-cli) on project ODataTestService: Execution default-cli of goal com.temenos.interaction:interaction-sdk-plugin:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT:gen failed: Entity property type ODataDemo.Address not supported -> [Help 1]
In the interest of this blog I can simply comment it out and carry on (we'll fix it later
<EntityType Name="Supplier">...<!-- <Property Name="Address" Type="ODataDemo.Address" Nullable="false" /> --> - Supply some test data in src/main/resources/META-INF/responder_insert.sql
If you try to start your service now you'll probably see an error like the following:
2013-02-13 16:13:20.637:WARN::Nested in org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [META-INF/resourcemanager-context.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.AnnotationException: mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property: ODataDemo.Product.null in ODataDemo.Category.Products:org.hibernate.AnnotationException: mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property: ODataDemo.Product.null in ODataDemo.Category.Products
At the moment we need a little help to figure out the entity relationships. You could fix the generated JPA classes, or you could add the EDMX referential constraint, join ID columns, and regenerate. That's what we'll do here, by merging the following into our EDMX:
Add the following properties to Product:
<Property Name="categoryID" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="supplierID" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />
Update the following associations:
<Association Name="Product_Category_Category_Products"> <End Role="Product_Category" Type="ODataDemo.Product" Multiplicity="*" /> <End Role="Category_Products" Type="ODataDemo.Category" Multiplicity="0..1" /> <ReferentialConstraint> <Principal Role="Category_Products"> <PropertyRef Name="ID"/> </Principal> <Dependent Role="Product_Category"> <PropertyRef Name="categoryID"/> </Dependent> </ReferentialConstraint> </Association> <Association Name="Product_Supplier_Supplier_Products"> <End Role="Product_Supplier" Type="ODataDemo.Product" Multiplicity="*" /> <End Role="Supplier_Products" Type="ODataDemo.Supplier" Multiplicity="0..1" /> <ReferentialConstraint> <Principal Role="Supplier_Products"> <PropertyRef Name="ID"/> </Principal> <Dependent Role="Product_Supplier"> <PropertyRef Name="supplierID"/> </Dependent> </ReferentialConstraint> </Association> - Start your service
mvn jetty:run - Go to http://localhost:8080/responder/
Want to see this in action? View it now on YouTube
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